Perhaps to me now, everydayz seem to be a Humdrum dayz...No more happening life man...Yes wat can you do in Singapore? Haizzzz........It's puzzled me as well...So now i need to earn my money and travel to lotz and lotz of countries...I guess, there will be lots of excitement in other countries....Hehe...
I wonder how many peoples out there are pretty unhappy and dissatisfied about their jobs that they are dragging their feets to work almost everydayz becuase we think we have no other choice...(Will I Turn Into These People?)...Hopefully No !!!!...I never wanna turn into those people who fight for seats in the MRT, searching high and low places for a plate of Chicken Rice costing only 2 bucks, visiting same old freaking places and many more...
Worst of the worst, everydyaz rountine is almost the same...Haiz....
=( Smilez On The Outside, Pain In The Inside
Change Your Life For The Better?
1. Are you still waiting for someone from somewhere to come to yr rescuse and wave a magic wand and instantaneously change your life for the better?
2. Are you praying that one dayz you will strike the lottery and dramatically alter the financial quality of your life?
3. Are you sitting behind your desk, daydreaming and hoping to one dayz rise to the top level of mangement without much effort and hard work?
4. Are you hiding in the background, silently praying and hoping that you will find favour and also get noticed to be thrusted into the limelight of your destiny?
Haha...All these things mentioned above, I am sure onc will appear in your mind..So are we gonna change our life like that or are we going to work very hard so that we can actually achieve what we want? If you are tired of hoping and endlessly waiting for something positive to come to your rescue, make a delibrate decision today to take charge of your own life and begin to lead a frutiful, fulfilled, and productive life.
1. Value Yourself
Value yourself, your time and your life. Value what you represent. Don't compromise that you are worth for anything. Your current position may not accurately define who you are, but if you place a high values on yrself, you will not only have great expectations for yourself, but also be open to more possiblities and opportunities.
People who place a high value on themselves can confidently walk into any arena of success and take their place comfortably. They fit right in because this is what they have been waiting for their whole lives and they know that they deserve it!
2.Take Responsiblity For Your Own Destiny
Be pratical and stop expecting other people to rescue you from your current distress . People can only do and help you so much...The rest is up to you and your god given you abilities and talents. Get rid of the Dependency Syndrome!!! It incapacitates and blinds you from doing great things with your life and also getting the success you so much yearn for.
If you are not going to be the recipient of a large inheritance or if you have not yet strike the lottery , begins by doing the right thing by charting and planning your own road map to success and working intelligently, meticulously and persistenly to achieve your success.
3.STOP doing things that does not work.
If you desire to change your life for the better ...Take a minute to consider specific aspects of your life for the last 2 years...Have you seen any improvements? Are you still working at the same place that stifles your creative abilities? Are you still procrastinating about going back to school for studies? Are you still doing the same things that produce unproductive and dissatisfying results?
How much longer can you keep doing the same things that don't work? You only have one life to live...And if you plan to live a fulfilled life, stop doing what dosen't work...Start doing the things that work and change your life for the better.
4.Take a Tangible action step today.
Changing your life for the better means doing something today that produces results! If you cant take radical steps, take small delibrate steps towards the change you desire. One of the greatest impendiments to success is procrastination. It is often used as an excuse for in action to the point that it has become so mind-numbing.
No one wants to hear that the only reason why you have not managed to turn your idea into reality is cecause you have been procrastinating! People wants to stand out and cheer for the doer and achiever who has taken positive steps to improve the quality of their lives. There are so many inspiring stories that we raed about everydayz and you too can become that story!
==Value yourself as each individual plays an important role in our life==
++Everybody is special in their own way++