Went to Paradiz Ktv[k-box] to celebrate my Birthday with pL & E..Took a lotz of phtos, but too lazy to upload, shall upoad when i am free..Ok...Really enjoy myself very much..Felt kinda happy n touched cuz we juz know each other for not really a long time but they still initiate to celebrate my birthday with me..*Tears rolling down my cheeks* Hehe..
Anyway thankz for the lovely braclet they have bought me..Very unique and special...*thankz a bunch*Lolx...Although its is not my actual birthday yet i am starting to receievs presents like Bracelet, Really Expensive Diamond Bracelet from my Mum, Princess Shoes, Ang Pows..Hehe..*Thankz Mummy I LOVE U LOTZ*
Went Malaysia with Reb for shopping and Ktv-ing..Really had a enjoyable time as we sing and eat cuz got free flow of buffet food..*Yummy, Yummy*..Shopping den buy some really nice stuffs..Haha..Went for a hair cut, wash and blow..The hairstylist cut it quite short for me roughly he cut away abt 3 to 4 cm...*sob, Sob* But i know that is to grow healthier, longer, nicer & shiner hair..So i will juz bear with it...
Really tired with work recently..Lotz of documents waiting to be file..Really hope to go for a relaxing snd enjoyable holidayz soon... =)
Anyway now i going to watch tv and eat my dinner...Later going to ahow Sg Idol...No show to watch so i guess i have to watch that show le..Hehe...